Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is eServices?

• E-services system is an online application for customer to gain access into their account and conduct various tasks online anytime and anywhere as long as they are connected to the internet.
• Any customer who own property / business licenses within DBKK rating areas can register and use this system.

What are the requirements for the best view?

• Operating System: Windows 7 and above, OS X.
• Browser: IE 7 and Above / Google Chrome / Mozilla Firefox.

Is there any service charges for each transaction?

• Please refer to Terms & Conditions.

How do I change password?

• After login, click Preferences link, and then click My Account Link. You can update the password.

How do I update my details?

• After login, click Preferences, and then click My Account. You can update your details.

Who Should I contact if I have questions or need assistance about E-services?

• If you have any questions or difficulties, kindly contact our helpline at 088 521 800 ( Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm ) • You may email your enquiries to